Form Groups every other week on weeknights in homes across DC and Virginia. Form Groups are designed to help you grow further in your spiritual formation and discipleship, by focusing on specific spiritual disciplines for 4-week modules.

Form Groups use curriculum from Practicing the Way, and equip participants with practical handles.

Join a Form Group to grow in your discipleship, build community, and develop healthy rhythms in your spiritual disciplines!

This semester will be February 5th- May 13th.

QUESTIONS? Email Sydney Franklin,

Dinner Parties meet every other week on weeknights in homes across DC and Virginia. Dinner Parties are designed to help build community within our church, and also in your own neighborhood.

Dinner Parties are potluck-style, and your group leader will reach out weekly with the theme for the week.

Join a Dinner Party to build community, make new friends in your neighborhood, and of course - enjoy some really great food!

This semester will be February 5th- May 13th.

QUESTIONS? Email Maria MacEachen,